The British Isles
Our voyages around the Scottish Islands navigate among the most beautiful seabird islands in the North Atlantic. Virtually all the headlands in late Spring and early Summer are the sites of large colonies. Dolphins, porpoises, seals and whales may be sighted from the ship and landings allow us to see reindeer and Arctic fox.
Sailings are timed to coincide with a profusion of wild flowers and the sea cliffs of the Scottish Islands should look like rock gardens with the pink and white of sea pinks and sea campion. In addition to their natural history we will also focus on their human history and artefacts, such as old whaling stations.
We head north from the Scottish Islands and, depending on the itinerary, visit the Faroes, Bear Island, Spitsbergen, the Lofoten Islands and Jan Mayen, a volcanic island of famously unpredictable weather yet breathtaking beauty, whose impressive glaciers spill into the sea from the slopes of Mt. Beerenberg.

Itineraries relating to the British Isles


Travel Tips


Fiona’s travel tips
READ: The Heather Blazing by Colm Tóibín, the story of a Dublin high court judge and his family gives a highly descriptive feel for the south Irish coast.
BEST TIME TO GO: May and June for the best weather.
MIDGES: Unfortunately the first midges start to appear in Scotland early June and can be around right up to the end of October! However they don’t like: strong sunlight, breezes or white or light clothing. Wearing protective clothing and repellents will help keep them at bay.
TOP TIP: Book a Scotland to Spitsbergen voyage and then the consecutive North Spitsbergen one. It’s fun to leave the UK by ship and you will get a discount off the second voyage.
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Clients’ comments
“Yet again thank you for making the travel arrangements to and from Sea Spirit so easy. Another educational and enjoyable trip. Including time spent in this part of the world in the early 1960s it must be about my 20+ time to have crossed 66°30’N. After about an hour from sailing we came across a feeding frenzy which included whales (Humpback), dolphins, gannets and other sea birds. Yet another amazing sight to add to the list.”
Peter Wright, Crossing the Arctic Circle on Sea Spirit
“I felt I received a personal and accessible service from Fiona from my initial enquiry to near the time of my departure. The holiday itself lived up to all my expectations”.
Jennifer Dalmaine, Scotland to Spitsbergen Arctic voyage
“Our favourite part of the trip was observing the walrus, least favourite, the dining area was too noisy during meal times. In all other respects the trip was excellent and was hugely blessed by the quality of the lectures and lecturers.”
John and Beryl Bannister, Fair Isle, Jan Mayen, Spitsbergen
“I really enjoyed being among the ice and seeing how it moved in relation to the ship and other bits of ice. There were polar bears and walrus too, but for me the wildlife took second place to the ice and the general environment. Having talked to some of the other passengers, I think the service you provided was exemplary and I have been singing your praises…I’ve never gone on a holiday organised by someone else before so I didn’t know what to expect, but it seems that my experience was far better than some of the others. There were a few times during the trip when I felt a little ‘herded’ but I think that’s the price you pay for being in such an inaccessible part of the world. All in all, a very enjoyable experience and one I would repeat in the northern hemisphere again, in a few years’ time”.
Anne Robinson, Jan Mayen to Spitsbergen
“Particular thanks to Fiona for her courtesy, professionalism and help with booking flights back to Edinburgh. Pre-departure information very good. Excellent handling of last-minute changes caused by change of vessel.”
Mr and Mrs Norman Robb, Ann Rayner and Ronald Cramond, Aberdeen to Spitsbergen voyage
“Deepest thanks for all your kindness and help before departure and to lovely staff on board.”
Alison Lambie, St Kilda, Jan Mayen, Spitsbergen (Plancius)
“Weather – very good. Scenery – spectacular. Wildlife sightings – excellent. Boat – extremely comfortable. Expedition staff – mostly extremely good. Atmosphere – friendly and convivial on the whole. The result was one of the more memorable and enjoyable holidays we have ever had.”
Mr and Mrs John Nugée, North Rona, Faroes, Jan Mayen, Spitsbergen (Plancius)